24X30 acrylics
This painting Chronicles my entire military career. I was in the National Guard for 6 years from 1966 to 1972. I was in a detached unit of the 223rd engineering Battalion. The main unit was in Aberdeen , Mississippi but I was in a smaller unit about 20 miles from Aberdeen, in Okolona, Mississippi.
My basic training was done at Fort Polk La. thus in the painting you will find the shape of La. My ATT training was at Ft. Leonard Wood in Mo.. You will also find the shape of Kansas in the picture.
You will find a patch of Spec 5 rank. an Eagle with the olive Branch. a hammer for the construction battalion. You will find a folded book which I did a lot of books while t Fort Polk. You will also find a cooking pot. I was a cook all four year after I got back from basic.