Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This is the No. 28 painting in my 365/2010 series.
16x20 inches, acrylic on canvas board.
I decided when I did my grandson Easton picture for his birthday that I was ng to do an abstract like this for all my family including my brothers, sister and parents. Gail my youngest brothers birthday was Jan. 5 and had already past so this one is very belated but i hope he enjoys and understands.
In this painting you will find his full name, the date he was born, the state in which he was born. his military affiliation, one of his favorite jobs, the name of his wife Sandie, their anniversary date. the names and dates of his two children, Justin and Lynsi, and his grandson's name and birth date Jonas. I hope you enjoy looking for some of the information. By the way Red is his favorite color.
Forgive the early post.
I hope you enjoy. Comments are appreciated.
I posted the two pictures because on of them is too orange and the other is too bright.

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