Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm publishing this one a day early.

This is the No. 56 painting in my 365 /2010 series
Size: 22x30 inches
Medium: Transparent watercolor on DeArches 140lb. cold press paper
This painting is done using only razor blades and my finger tips. No brushes were used at all.
This painting is done for several reasons but the best one is that I've decided to do one of these celebration paintings for all of my favorite artists, those that have had the biggest influences on me and my art.
PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR, was born in Limoges, France, February 25, 1841 and dies in Cagnes, France December 13, 1919.
Renoir is in the top three of my favorite IMPRESSIONIST painters, ranking either one or two.
Renoir like all the impressionist was interested in light and color but probably more than any other of the impressionist was interested in form. He never could get away from show the form of the subjects he sat out to paint. He did remain true to the Impressionist dictates that light and its play on surrounds were what should be studied and not the rendering of nature. He never could get away from painting things. He never abandoned light as a study but he leaned more to what colors he could find in the shadows from cast light on his subjects. He loved to paint those wonderful plein-aire pictures and especially with his friend Monet.
In this painting you will find references to "The Luncheon Of The Boating Party", referenced to "Two Sisters, On The Terrace", and one of Renoir's reclining nudes. You will also see a portrait of Renoir, taken from one of my old art history book. Also hidden in the painting is the date of his birth and the date of his death.
I do hope you enjoy what I do. Comments and remarks are very much appreciated.

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