Sunday, February 14, 2010


This is the no. 45 painting in my 365/2010 series.
Size: 9 1/2x14 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 100% handmade rag paper.

This Beautiful antebellum home is located at the corner of High and Meridian Street in Aberdeen, Mississippi. It sat upon a slight hill, and once had an unobstructed view all the way to the Tombigbee River about a half mile to the east. Now houses, roads and business fill that space and you can only see across the street. When I worked for the Aberdeen Examiner in the late 1969-1970 i did a feature article about the house. Carolyn Evans one of two sisters living in the house and members of the original family that built the house, gave me a great tour of the structure. One of the most interesting things about the house is that is is the only antebellum house in Aberdeen that has the double columns running the entire height of the structure. Two of the most interesting things inside the house was that all the door post in the house were tapered. On all the interior doors the taper went from 8-10 inches at the bottom to about 6 to 8 inches at the top where the post were put on them. This was hardly noticeable until pointed out. The other thing was that there were brass cornices over all the window in the front rooms of the house.These were from 18-24 inches in heigth and covered at least 6 inches over each end of the window. No telling how much they weighed. they were very ornately carved. Carolyn Evans gave me a tour of the whole house including the attic. The attic was full of Civil war and pre war relics and antiques. These included uniforms, guns, swords and flags. I wasn't into those kind of things then. Sure wish I had some of those thing now.
I sure hope you enjoy what I do. Please remarks and comments are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Arni,
    Mary Kendall Elkin married Houston Gilleylen Wood in this house way back when. Mary Kendall is Sallie Ann's and my first husband Houston Wood's grandmother. See comment on the church.

    Gay Gay
