Friday, February 19, 2010


This is the NO. 50 painting in my 365/2010 series
Size: 6x8 inches
Medium: Watercolors on 140lb. DeArches paper
First of all I apologize for the quality of this picture.
This barn in located in Aberdeen, Mississippi. It is behind the house that was named The Homestead. Homestead is located on Commerce St, the main street, in Aberdeen, and this barn is behind the house. I have never seen another barn or shed decorated with the Gothic trim like that on this building. Rumor has it that Jefferson Davis slept at the homestead during the Civil war, just don't if that is true or not. Also the house was said to have been used a a hospital during the war.
The house and barn are both very picturesque. If ever in Aberdeen, Mississippi be sure to look for it.
I do hope you enjoy my work. Comments and remarks are appreciated.

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