Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This is the No. 41 painting of my 365/2010 series.
Title: "PA FLATT"
Size: 4x7 inches.
Media: Transparent watercolor on 140lb. DeArches paper

Pa Flatt, was my Grandfather. Born May 11, 1905, E.C. Flatt, was raised in East Tennessee, around Cooksville.

E. C. ( The C was not an initial for his middle name, his middle name was C.) lived most of his life in Lincoln Village in Huntsville, Alabama and worked at the mill. He and Ma raised me. I lived with them at 122nd Barrell Ave. N.E. till I was 14 years old. Pa was an avid fisherman. He did not learn to drive a car till very late in life.
He outlived 3 wives.
I do hope you enjoy what I do. Remark and Comments are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Arni,
    This is exactly how I remember Pa. I saw him several times as small child and it brings back good memories. You have brought true life to this painting. Thank you for sharing it with others.

    Kimberly (Miller) Gish
    Daughter of Melody(Flatt)Miller
