Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This is the No. 48 painting in my 365/2010 series.
Size: 7x10 inches
Medium: watercolor on handmade German paper
This is my favorite house in Aberdeen, Mississippi. It is located on Franklin Street on what was, at the turn of the century (20Th one) was called SILK STOCKING ROW because of the fancy houses on the street. That's where the title came from.
I call it the Sloan house because Mrs. Sloan owned and lived in the house when I moved to Aberdeen in 1964. Mrs Sloan would not rent me a room at that time although she was renting out room to boarder. She thought I was one of those "freedom riders" coming down from up north to cause trouble. Remember the 60's in Mississippi?
Mrs Sloan became a very dear friend to me and my wife and we would pick her up and take her to and from church on Sundays.
I could have bought this house in 1966 for $16.000 but didn't want to get involved in a family feud.
Nell Howell owns and lives in the house at this time.

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