Thursday, March 11, 2010


This is the No. 70 painting in my 365/2010 series.
Title: "ABERDEEN-3 STORIES?????"
Size: 7 1/2X 9/12
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb. DeArches watercolor paper.
Ok, Aberdeen people, you just might not believe this one BUT. This house at the intersection of James and Monroe Street was probably at one time a three story home just like a lot of those you see on Silk Stocking Row. Yep! According to Miss Peacock there are several of these smaller houses, two more I know of that she showed me pictures of of Long Street, were at one time very large homes. This particular house I have seen painted solid white. Gray with white trim and solid gray. But the time I saw it painted this way. it really blew my mind because it was in these colors when I first saw the pictures that Miss peacock showed me. That is what she had described it as on the back of the photo. She also showed me pictures when the house had its first story removed.
Miss Peacock died with more knowledge about the first days of Aberdeen in her head than we will ever be able to retrieve. She didn't trust anyone. and I mean anyone, with her secret trove of pictures and written material. Where it went no one knows. After she died and the Library got new people involved, I went back to the library wanting to get to where she took me one day and it was completely GONE. asking about the things that use to be in the room, It was just trash, except for the photographs that were saved they told me, and it was all burned.
enough ranting about things GONE.
This little jewel has a name but I can't remember it. I'm going back to Aberdeen next week and all the places I've loved so long will be recorded again. For what reason, who knows or even cares. I DO.
I hope you do enjoy what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.

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