Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is the No. 76 painting in my 365/2010 series.
Size: 7 1/2X9 1/2 inches
Medium: watercolor and ink. on 140lb De Arches watercolor paper.
I have an unpublished photo taken in Sept. of 1970 at the RX Motel in Tupelo, Mississippi. Tupelo is Elvis' home town. Elvis is IN the photo with his father, Vernon Presley, at that time the sherrif of Lee county and his wife and Janelle McComb and her husband. By 1970 Janelle was really Elvis' only true friend left in Tupelo that he trusted with his confindence and friendship.Janelle is the lady who wrote the poem from Elvis to Lisa when Lisa was born. I promised Janelle that I would never Sell or publish the photo or do anything with it that might cause her some difficulty with her friendship with Elvis. I kept that promise. I would still never sell or get rid of the photo. I have always wanted to do something "ARTY" with the photo so here it is. Picasso is my favorite aritst because of his simplistic and child like way of seeing the world and being able to represent it with minimal strokes. I tried to do so here with the simplest of watercolor washes for color and the pen and ink lines. I think is uccedded in getting the character of the three figures here with very few lines from the pen.
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and /or remarks are greatly appreciated.

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