Saturday, March 27, 2010


This is the No. 88 painting in the 365/2010 series. and I'm listing it early.
Size: 22X30 inch
Medium: Watercolor on 140 lb DeArches water color paper.
This is another Demonstrations painting, meaning that it was painted in about 30 minutes in front of a very critical audience.
This house is located on Commerce (main) street in Aberdeen, Mississippi.
The house was built in 1852 with the owner Dr. George Augustus Sykes being given credit as the Architect. The house has also been called the Julina T. Evans house. And ha for many years generally been called The Old Homestead. This is the East side of the house and I believe was the original entrance to the house. There is an inscription found in the concrete on the east side of the house with the word SYKES on it. Consider also that there were very few houses close to this one when it was built giving it a clear view, considering it's elevation, of the river about a mile from the house.
Many stories about this house including the one about Jefferson Davis camping on the grounds.
I do hope you like what I do.
Comment and/or remarks are welcomed and appreciated.

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