Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Thius is the No. 91 painting of my 365/2010 series
Size: 22X30 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb. DeArches 100% rag paper.
So, "OFF WE GO INTO THE WILD BLUE YONDER" a favorite song of all Air Force men to sing. This was a demonstration painting for one of my 6Th grade classes. When question and answer time came, one of the little smarties spoke up and said, Mr. Anderson have you really been up in a jet like that? I said no, He said, But I thought you told us that you never painted anything that you haven't experienced. He did deserve to know how this one came about. I told the class that during Spring break 2 weeks ago i took my grandson's on a trip to Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Arkansas and we visited the Columbus Air Force base in Columbus Mississippi. When I saw this plane sitting on low pedestal at the entrance of the base. I thought about how this class of all boys would enjoy seeing me paint an airplane for their upcomming demonstration. So I got on top of the car and too a photo of it like I was in a plane above it looking down at it in a chase. "TOP GUN, ARNI. That's how I experienced this plane. I took the plane off it's pedestal and put it back in the air. Artistic licence, you know......


  1. Great story, Mr.A! I have loved looking at the paintings so far this year - keep going, you're gonna do all 365. Can't wait to see what's next. MarkO

  2. Sold, Pat Miller, Tupelo, Mississippi.
