Friday, April 30, 2010


This is the No. 120TH painting in my 365/2010 series
Size: 8X10 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 140ln. DeArches cold press paper.
Many of you will have no idea what this is, but my Lincoln friends will readily identify with it.
This is the type toilet that used growing up there in the village. It was on the back porch of the house and literally in a "Water Closet" The closet was typically about 3 feet by 6 feet with just enough room to get inside close the door and sit on the pot. There was a reserve tank attached to the pipe in the back and when you put the lid down and sat on it the water would begin to fill up the tank and run down the inside of the bowl and when you got up it would flush. Most of the time there were little leaks and spraying going on and you most all the time got a wet bottom. By the time the mill houses were torn down most of these had been replaces by "MODERN" potties, but this one remained in the Adcock house at the end of Bennett St. It was rescued by Dan Welden, who took a day off work to cut it away from it home and take it to his house at the other end of Bennett St. It was standing in his living room when i saw it last. Don't know what he ever did with it.
I know my Lincoln friends will love it.
I sure hope everyone else likes it.
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.
Thanks for looking.

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