Friday, April 16, 2010

"OLD DARRACOTT ROAD CHURCH" Aberdeen, Mississippi

This is the No. 107 painting in my 365/2010 series
Title: "OLD DARRACOTT ROAD CHURCH" Aberdeen, Mississippi
Size: 7X9 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb DeArches cold press paper
I do not know what kind of church this building housed but it must have been a really pretty place when it was active. I first saw this building in the early 60's but it wasn't till the late 70's that I put it on my list of things to do. I got inside the building and I know that at one time there were some stain glass windows in it. and a school type bell in the bell tower. There is a very old cemetery in the woods in back of the house with gravestones marked in the early 1880's.
Would love to know the name of the congregation, the name of the church as it was when it was built. Really I would love to hear anything about it.
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Arni, I do love what you are doing, and I am having such fun, trying to identify, your unknowns, in and around Aberdeen.
    I think this church is what is today called the James Creek MB Church. Is it just south of the James Creek Bridge, and just before you get to Ladd's Hill?
    The Congregation for this Church was organized in 1870, and met at a brush arbor. This building was built in 1905. It was both a school and a church. The roof of the bell tower is of punched tin, as is also the roof over the sanctuary in the rear. The cemetery is in the rear.
    Jerry Anderson Harlow
