Monday, April 26, 2010


This is the No. 117TH. painting in my 365/2010 series.
Size: 7 1/2 X9 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb. DeArches 100% rag paper, cold press.
In 1976 I moved to Edmomd. sometime that summer I went by this place on Broadway street and stopped by to take a picture of it. That was on Monday. This is painted from that Polaroid shot. That same week, either Tuesday or Wednesday, a story came out about the place and said that it was going to be torn down. I went back that Friday to take some more shots of it and it WAS GONE. I've heard many stories about this place and don't know how many of them are true.
There was one story that at one time in the 30's, 40's that this was the only place on Route 66 that was opened all night from Tulsa to Amarillo. Then in the early 50's Lucille's opened in Hydro, Oklahoma.
I went in to eat, once when I first came to Edmond, but a roach ran across the headrest in my booth. I left and never went back. Sorry I missed that eating experience.
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are really appreciated.

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