Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is the No. 142 Painting in my 365/2010 series.
Size: App. 8X11 inches
Medium: watercolor on 140lb. DeArches cold press watercolor paper.
This old building that was somewhere in the Darracott community leaves more questions than it does answers. This was painted from another of the photos i got from Miss Peacock. The picture had written on the back of it "The Old Darracott Tavern, 1840". We know it was a tavern. She did not know the exact location and said she had asked several people that had heard about it but did not know where it was located. Questions in my mind. Was it also an Inn?
It look like a lot of the Inns that i have seen in Alabama, Tennessee and Oklahoma. The arrangement of the doors and windows on the bottom floor and the top floor, look like other Inns. If it did serve as an Inn, There was probably a "stage line" that ran through Darracott and probably Aberdeen also. Has anyone ever heard of a stage line coming through Aberdeen long before the railroads?
If you know anything about the old Darracott tavern, would you please pass it along this way?
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Arni: Just seen this. It is the old Barnett House, which was built on the site of the old Taylor Inn, in Darracott, Mississippi. The original photo appears in the book "A Place Called Darracott" by Ruth Bassinger Morgan, published in 1978, Aberdeen, MS. I believe it is now gone. Regards, Brina Darracott (England).
