Monday, May 24, 2010


This is the No. 153 painting in my 365/2010 series.
Size: App.8X11 inches
Medium: watercolor on140lb. watercolor paper, cold press.
This is another one of those Miss Peacock unidentified places that she didn't know where it was in Aberdeen.
On the back of the photo she showed me someone had written "1845-South Meridian St. ?"
I moved to Aberdeen in 1964 and I know it wasn't there then. In 1983 when i did the research for the MC.Donald's project was the first time I saw that photo and i went looking for any house that had any remnants of any liking to this. There are non remaining. I remembering being told about several places south of Meridian and High street where there once ( at the turn 0f the century) a "BIG HOUSE". but I never found records of those places having big houses. One of these days I'll tell you about those locations and who knows? someone may really know!! If you can help with this one Please let me know what you think.
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.


  1. Just found your blog last week via Hill Country H.O.G.S. blog. I live in Pontotoc, MS, and am enjoying your paintings, especially those of places in and around Aberdeen. I may have to ask for a "key" with regard to 65 subliminal images in one of your paintings as I've not found very many, so far.

  2. Hi Wayne. Which painting are you talking about?
    Keep in touch and I do appreciate you comments

  3. Arni, The downloaded image is burke's_ducks.jpg. I found this one at
