Sunday, June 20, 2010


No. 190 of 365/2010 series
Size App. 11X17 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb. student grade watercolor paper.
You've heard me mention George the caretaker in several of the post about my Andrew Wyeth adventures, Well this is George who was the caretaker at the Wyeth Home and estate when I went to Chadds Ford Pa. back in the early 80's. Al thought passing through all the NO TRESPASSING signs he was very gracious, after explaining that I had traveled several hundred miles to meet Mr. Wyeth, only to arrive a day to late. The Wyeths had left the day before going to their other home in Cushing Maine. George is the one who let Nina and my son John use the bathroom and when they came out Nina told me that I needed to go to the bathroom. I said No I'll be alright till the next gas stop. she said No you NEED to use the bathroom, Doesn't he George. I insisted No I'm OK, both she and George insisted NO, YOU NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM. They were right, it was in Andrew Wyeth's STUDIO!!!!! in the old Brandy wine Mill. I couldn't believe what I saw when I entered. There Among all the marvelous things was this painting of a girl with a ring of flowers around her head. I didn't know what this meant till about two years later when the Helga story broke on national news. No one was to supposedly seen or knew about any Helga paintings for the past 15 years, but when they showed that one on the news I recognized it. and knew what a big PR stunt that Betsy, his wife had set up.
I sure hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.

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