Friday, June 11, 2010


No. 181, in 365/2010 series. every inch of
Size: App. 8.5X11 inches
Medium: Watercolors on DeArches 140lb. cold press paper.
This little motel still stands on the west side of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is no longer in operation but it still is painted and care is taken to keep it very attractive to the Rt. 66 lovers.
I have traveled every foot of Rt. 66 from both state lines of Oklahoma. In 1991, i wanted to see how much of the original was still visible. I know a lot of it had been re-routed and that a lot of the original was on private land now and not used for transportation. I did fins a lot of places where i could walk it that is way off the beaten path, SO I walked it. there is still a lot of it you can get to if you know how to find it. Follow the old telephones lines or the rails. You find it near either or both .
I do hope you like what I do.
Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.

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