Saturday, November 13, 2010


No 334 in my 365/2010 series.
Size: App. 8X10 inches
Medium: Watercolor and acrylics on watercolor paper.
One of the greatest American women artist ever. Born 11- 15- 1986 and lived to be 99 years old till here death on 3-6-1986. She was married to one of the greatest photographers of the 19-20 century. She lived most of her life just Santa Fe on her own ranch in New Mexico.
My wife and I made the trip to the New Mexico art communities a few years back and I wanted to visit her ranch, no one would tell me exactly where it was, but you know arni, Yep I found it and No one was around. I saw that the back door was open so i crawled under the fencE, Nina objecting loudly, but i knocked and could not get anyone to answer, so Thinking that the worst had happened (right, No, I just wanted to see) I went in. Amazing to be alone in the places where an American ICON lived, breathed and created.
I'm listing this one early but do remember Georgia on her birthday next Monday.
I do hope you like what I do. Comment are appreciated.

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