Sunday, November 7, 2010


No 329 of my 365/2010 painting series
Size: App. 11X14
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper.
I'm posting this early because it will be after noon tomorrow before I get things back together at school.
It was the first Aberdeen landmark that Nina showed me when I came to Aberdeen in 1964. INCURIOSITY, Built by Stephen Sykes, A man, WW1 vet. That took his inspiration from west Texas oil rigs. This contraption was a 5-6 story split level living complex that took him over 50 years to get to this level. I NEED STORIES!!!!!! Who knows when and how it disappeared.
Did you ever get to go in it.  I have several interesting things to tell you about INCURIOSITY if you're interested in knowing more about it.
Just ask.
I do hope you like what I do. Comments and or remarks are appreciated.


  1. Arni, I can remember seeing this strange "composition" when I was around 8 or 9 years old........50 years ago! The only thing I remember about it was that it was on Hwy 45 N and I want to say it was somewhere around what is now the Central Grove Rd turnoff. I remember being told it was constructed by an old man who'd fought in the war and he was an African American. That part may just be something I "thought" I was told. Anyway, many times going to Tupelo in passing the area where I think this conversation piece was, I've wondered what ever happened to it. I'm so glad you have posted a picture of it!

  2. Oh my Gosh!!! I had forgotten about this strange but oh so fascinating structure. I remember that when I was 6 or 7 years old, my grandfather would take me out to visit the sweet old black gentleman who built it. He always took me on a tour. I wish that I could remember all of his stories. However, I do remember that he had hub caps from every vehicle ever manufactured. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Remember this contraption well but could never figure out what kind of design he was going for. Seems like we even climbed in it or on it or around it-too long to remember. But, didn't someone make him take it down.

  4. Thanks, Beverly abd Dee,For your interest.
    Tiawanna, thanks also. but I don't think anyone in their right miond would have made him take it down. It was a folkart treasure.
    But I do wish I knew why, when and how it left us.
    I'm going to call the aberdeen fir Dept. and see if it perhaps burned.
    Seem like it would have gone easier that way.

  5. I remember this from my childhood. I lived in Okolona, which was about 20 miles away. I remember my dad taking me to visit. I remember a suit of armor being inside the front door. There was a lake beside it. It was called "the thing". I am not positive but I think it was destroyed by wind. I have a vague recollection of seeing most of the pieces in the lake. I remember a large picture and article in the Tupelo Daily Journal. Maybe they can research the archives for it. i remember exactly where it stood and could take some photos if you would like. Charles Reifers, Vardaman, Ms

  6. I remember this from my childhood. I lived in Okolona, which was about 20 miles away. I remember my dad taking me to visit. I remember a suit of armor being inside the front door. There was a lake beside it. It was called "the thing". I am not positive but I think it was destroyed by wind. I have a vague recollection of seeing most of the pieces in the lake. I remember a large picture and article in the Tupelo Daily Journal. Maybe they can research the archives for it. i remember exactly where it stood and could take some photos if you would like. Charles Reifers, Vardaman, Ms

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