Thursday, December 2, 2010


No. 352 of my 365/2010 series.
Size: 8X10 inches
Medium: Watercolors on 80lb. paper with Q-tips.
George Seurat on of the post  impressionism most important artist and perhaps the best colorist of the day.
Seurat is know as the father of POINTILLISM for his color studies in pure color and the juxtaposition of them on top of each other. Seurat would have been 141 years old on this day had he still been living.
The little piece you see here is done all in the primary color paints, Red, Yellow and Blue. The greens, oranges, and purple shades all made by laying the other three paints on top of each other.
The dark, (NEUTRALS) are all mixed together. Yes, it is all painted using Q-Tips.
I do hope you like what I do. Comments and/or remarks are appreciated.

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