Wednesday, January 5, 2011


22X30 Watercolor

This painting won three first place awards during it show circuit. Several asked about show circuit. Generally shows will not accept works that are two years old so about two years is the circuit. After that you might get accepted in some smaller local shows but not national regional and generally any juried show.

The painting was done for the cover of a book being written about Allie Reynolds. Allie had just been made an Honorary Crow Chief when I did this portrait and he wanted it done with the headdress on. I had already done two other portraits of him.

Allie was from Oklahoma and played baseball with the Yankees in the 50's. He was a pitcher and is the only guy to ever pitch back to back no-hitters in a world series. he still holds 5 Yankees records may never be broken. He was called "THE CHIEF" because of his Native American status. He is the only guy who's name was on the corner of Yankee Stadium that is not in the Hall of Fame, and that's a shame. No one seems to know why.

The book was not finished at his death and was never published.

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