Size: 7 1/2X9 1/2inches
Medium: water color of 140lb. DeArches paper.
A part of Aberdeen where most people did not spend much time. Neither going there or learning about the other culture living in and among themselves. That being the Mennonite community. This house is one of the larger ones in the Mennonite community. It is located Northwest of center Aberdeen. Go north on old Highway 45 till the big curve out where Dr. Murphy lived. There was a grocery store there and the dirt road headed north somewhat parallel to 45 was what I called Mennonite road. At the time I lived In Aberdeen the families making up the community consisted mostly of the Lees, Millers and the Lukers, a few other but not many. When My Mother-in-law moved into the assisted living I had to have a lot of help in taking care of things pertaining to cleaning and breaking up the house and that's when I met Anna and Edna Lee, two young girls that I could not have gotten it all done over a period of about two years without their help. They since have married and have families of their own. Through them I learned quite a lot about the Mennonite culture and way of life. That community is still in Aberdeen but the community is not as large and as much a part of Aberdeen that it once was.
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