Sunday, October 24, 2010


No. 314 in my 365/2010 series.
Size: 7x9 inches
Medium: Watercolor on 140lb. Watercolor paper.
On Nina and my forst trip to the Southwest we wanted to see all 9 of the "important" missions mentioned in the travel brochures. So we got a mape with their locations and started out. We got lost but wandered upon this little village near Taos and this was what we found to be the center of the community. My first mission experience. I did not realize but for hundreds of years these have being built and maintained, and that every little community had to have their own mission (CHURCH). We found not nine but 39 little mission churches in the area of Taos and Santa Fe.
I hope you like what I do.
Comments are appreciated.
WATCH for the Picasso tomorrow.

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