Monday, October 25, 2010

"PICASSO, Happy 129th Birthday"

No. 315 in my 365/2010 series.
Title: "PICASSO, Happy 129th Birthday"
Size: 6X12 FEET"
Medium: Acrylics
This is my tribute to the birth of my very No.1 favorite artist. What a genius.
Had he lived he would have been 129 years old today.
In this painting you will find 55 different references to Picasso's life and my favorite things about him.
I'm going to list them a few at a time. If you want to play a little game with me and Picasso, see how many of the first ten you can find, ask for the next ten Items and I'll send them to you. I will randomly post this again on my blog along with my new one each day.
Please have fun and I hope you appreciate my work and especially my love for this creative genius and visionary.
see if you can find.
PICASSO (his name)
Paul (his first child)
Mara (his first daughter)
A baboon (favorite sculpture)
Light bulb (his largest painting)
Olga (wife)
Francois 5-M (fifth mistress)
Jose Ruiz (his father)
Profile EYE (one of two)
A Rose (representing his pink period)

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