Friday, July 19, 2013

2 western Oklahoma landscapes.

No.1 is a 6x8 inch.
No2. Is a 9x12 inch.
They are what's called rolling hills.
Please sharey work with your FZb friends.
Both are for sale.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Oklahoma City LAN Run Ststure"

This will be, when finished the largest sculpture in the world. This is only one section of it. It will over 1/2ile long. It's w runs down and across the canal.
I wanted it to look like the original land so I took out all the "city" stuff. Share it if you like.
20x24 acrylic.
It is for sale.

These 4 are up for grabs. What do you want to give me for them.

Don't be shy!!!!!!!
I can say no.